The Wilton Club has always been restricted to just forty five members who can fish on as many days as they wish through the relevant seasons. Members come from all walks of life, - it is their love of fly fishing and the enchanting River Wylye that unites them.
A lucky few are able to fish frequently and regularly throughout the season, while others may not fish at all for a number of seasons, either through pressures of their working lives or because they live in far flung places around the globe.
For our overseas Members, who are unable to fish as frequently we make special concessions and arrangements which we could explain in greater detail. Please email:
Whatever an individuals time pressures may be, because they are acutely aware of the quality and rarity of this type of fly fishing, many Members retain their membership year upon year, quite a few in excess of thirty five years, but vacancies do arise either because of advancing age or life and career changes.
If you are interested, there is no time like the present to at least make contact and express your interest. There is no pressure to join, and we would welcome you getting in touch to visit the water so you can gain a closer understanding of what it is about The Wilton Club and the River Wylye that has retained some members for as long as they have.
A few times a year the Club produces its own highly professional online magazine, 'Riffles and Runs' - covering all manner of fishing and club related matters, from fly life, successful fly patterns, photographs of river improvements, catches and its wild life.
Our social calendar usually looks something like the listing below. Members who chose to attend any event, are always encouraged to bring family, friends, and quite often children to enjoy whatever we are doing.
Throughout the year, once a month, the Riverfly Monitoring Group welcome the casual passive or active involvement of any member. This event is an invaluable source of the best current information about the fishing. Also available at any time by request, a few of the more experienced members are willing, at no cost to help another member for half a day, in order to help any members get the most out of their fishing time and from membership of the Club.
Rod sharing with a friend is allowed at any time (two rods may be carried) but we would stress that only one person is to fish at any one time and members are trusted not to abuse this privilege.
Each season, members are allocated six full Guest Tickets to pass onto any fishing friends. The tickets are only valid from 11th June onwards.
The Guest Tickets cannot be sold, or offered through ANY auction system.
Our Club folio can be downloaded from the side panel. It contains much more information.
Should you be interested in becoming a Member, then click here.
Honorary Secretary, Mike Denny on
The annual subscription at time of writing is £1950.00
For new Members, there is an initial joining fee of half of the annual subs.
Wild trout chalkstream fishing, of this quality, isn't available anywhere at an 'economy' price.